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創辦理念 History

● 慈濟大學華語中心,設立於2003年8月。

● 本中心提供海內外華裔子弟及外籍人士學習華語文的課程,期望

● Chinese Language Center of Tzu Chi University
was founded based on the spirit of the school's founder, Master
Cheng Yen. Her spirit of "Great Compassion To people and
great mercy for all" guides the center. Our aim is to enhance
students' understanding of the language and culture of great
love, and to develop the sense of gratitude. Through learning
language, people can better understand and respect each other.

宗旨 Our Goals

  • 養成學員華語聽、說、讀、寫的能力。
    To provide Mandarin courses in traditional Chinese with listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
  • 提昇學員中華文化之素養。
    To enhance the students’ understanding of the Chinese culture.
  • 蘊涵學員大愛、感恩、尊重與關懷的慈濟人文精神。
    To inspire students with Tzu Chi spirit of great love, gratitude, respect for each other, and care for everyone.
  • 培育具有人文精神的華語文教學師資。
    To train Mandarin teachers with Tzu Chi humanities.

華語中心網站 Website of our center

華語中心臉書 Facebook of our center

聯絡我們 Contact us

季節班華語課程 Mandarin Course

Those interested in learning Chinese are encouraged to apply, including scholarship and overseas Chinese students.

Courses consist of 15 hours per week of Chinese language study including listening, speaking, reading and writing with traditional Chinese characters. (The Ministry of Education requires students with a Chinese Language Study Visa to attend class for a minimum of 15 hours per week.)

Chinese cultural courses: Calligraphy, Chinese painting, Chinese knotting, Chinese martial arts and others.
Tzu Chi cultural courses: Tea ceremony, Flower arranging, Sign language, Visiting Tzu Chi Foundation (Branch).

Available Classes: Group class and Individual class.

華語遊學營 Mandarin Camp



CLC has specially designed a two or three-week study camp for those interested in learning Mandarin as well as Chinese culture. There will be an intensive Chinese course during the weekdays with a small class size. With this intensive course your Chinese language skills will improve. CLC also provides interesting Chinese cultural courses, field trips, and visiting famous places in Hualien. Tzu Chi unique cultural and volunteer courses are also offered. All these will make your Chinese study camp an unforgettable learning experience.

These classes are specially designed according to the individual requirements of each group. Course fees depend on the actual classes chosen. Contact us for further details.


對從事華語教學有興趣者,歡迎報名參加 應因全球華語市場快速發展,未來正與您招手!!
  1. 想知道如何指導非母語者學會中文嗎?
  2. 希望在海外當華語教學老師,有不同的人生體驗嗎?
  3. 希望培養第二專長,擁有一張證書嗎?
  4. 本課程能夠提供幫助,讓您對中文教學有初步的了解。
本課程特色包括華語教學與慈濟人文課程本課程特色包括華語教學與慈濟人文課程,課程時數 : 96小時 另外將不定期邀請華語界專家學者安排華語教學講座及工作坊