- 升學:本校學生應屆畢業就讀碩士班,可享有免學雜費兩年之獎勵。
教育學類相關工作:國、高中教師、生涯教師..等等 - 國家考試:本系碩士班(臨床心理組)應屆畢業生臨床心理師師證照考取率高於全國平均。
Q: What career choices are available for students?
- Pursue advanced studies
Students may choose the master's program of our Department and enjoy the waiver of tuition and fees for two years. - Seek employment
- Psychology-related work
- Students may select to complete a master's program in clinical psychology and obtain the license of clinical psychologist. They may work for healthcare institutions.
- They can also select to be middle school counselors, survey specialists of marketing companies, investigators of government agencies, prison counselors, probation officers, staff of human resources departments, etc.
- Anthropology-related jobs
- Join government agencies and engage in cultural-related administration.
- Associate with mass media institutions, such as TV, newspaper, magazine, etc., to perform cultural-related communication.
- Be involved in non-profit organizations, community development institutions, etc.
- Education-related jobs
Become high school teachers, career counselors, etc.
- Psychology-related work
- Take the licensure examination
The passing rates of taking the licensure examination of clinical psychologist for our master's students are higher than the national averages.
Q: Do students have opportunities to study overseas?
The Department has not signed a student exchange agreement with any educational institution overseas, yet the University has 72 sister universities worldwide. The University sponsors various study groups to go overseas during winter or summer breaks, so that our students can broaden their international perspectives and enhance their language skills. Many of our students participate in these activities.
Q: 當馬來西亞籍學生完成人發心系碩士班的學業後,是否能夠在馬來西亞擔任臨床心理師呢?
A: 無論是諮商心理師(在馬來西亞被稱為輔導人員)或臨床心理師(在馬來西亞被稱為臨床心理治療師),都必須具備碩士學歷。對於那些擁有心理學相關學士學位的人來說,他們只能從事與心理領域有關的工作,例如在心理治療診所擔任心理師助理,從事協助心理師辦理工作坊、幫助接洽心理師和合作夥伴的協調工作,或者從事人資相關的工作。