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分子生物暨人類遺傳學系 Department of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics



  1. 本系50%以上學生均以國內外碩士班升學為主,就業部分以生技相關領域專業人才為多,如果在學期間有修教育學程則會擔任國高中之生物老師,其他較少數畢業生則是依據個人喜好發展(如回家協助家業、公務人員等)分遺系畢業生分布圖-


Q: What are the career choices for students?


  1. Pursue advanced studies
    More than 50% of the students pursue master’s or Ph.D. programs related to biomedical sciences in Taiwan or overseas.
  2. Seek employment
    1. Associate with biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies as R&D or marketing staff.
    2. Join government agencies, such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Health Research Institutes, etc.
    3. Work for research or healthcare institutions as R&D staff, genetic counselors, etc.
    4. Become high school biology teachers.



Q:  Is there any professional license that students can obtain?

A: At present, there is no professional license available for bachelor’s graduates. However, after completing the Genetic Counselor Group courses and internship training provided by our master’s program, students may take the licensure examination provided by the Taiwan Association of Genetic Counseling. Students passing the test will become genetic counselors and may choose to join healthcare institutions.
