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生物醫學暨工程學系 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering



  1. 升學:可以就讀醫學工程、生物科技領域等碩士班、博士班。亦可以選擇電子、電機、資訊、材料等工程領域研究所就讀。

  2. 就業:


Q:  What are students’ career choices?


  1. Pursue advanced studies
    Students may choose master’s or Ph.D. programs in medical engineering, biotechnology, etc.Electronics engineering, electrical engineering, information engineering, and material science and engineering programs are also available for students.
  2. Seek employment
    1. Work for the hospital’s biomedical engineering or clinical research units
      Students must pass licensure examinations to become biomedical engineers, medical equipment technicians, or clinical engineers.
    2. Associate with the biotechnology or medical equipment industry as an R&D engineer.
    3. Currently, the Biomedical Engineers Act has been read in the Legislative Yuan for the second time. After the third reading, this Act will pass. The Act will be quite beneficial for biomedical engineers.
    4. The Department aims to prepare students to become biomedical engineers. They may choose to engage in electrical and mechanical engineering, material science and engineering, and semiconductors.
