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護理學系 Department of Nursing



  1. 升學:學士班畢業可報考國內外護理學系碩士班,可直升碩士班

  2. 就業:畢業後可至慈濟醫療志業相關醫院從事護理工作,計有花蓮慈濟醫院、台北慈濟醫院、台中慈濟醫院、大林慈濟醫院、玉里慈濟醫院、關山慈濟醫院及大林斗六門診中心等,亦可至國內外醫療相關機構任職。

Q: What are the career choices for students?


  1. Pursue advanced studies
    Undergraduate nursing students may pursue their master's studies in nursing. The University’s nursing graduates will be granted automatic admission to the Master’s Program in Nursing.
  2. Seek employment
    Students can work in nursing care at Tzu Chi hospitals located in Hualien, Taipei, Taichung, Dalin, Yuli, Guanshan, and Douliu. They can also work for other healthcare institutions in Taiwan or overseas.



  1. 本系學習資源有慈濟四大志業資源支持,能提供多元學習。其中設有慈濟醫療法人提供所屬教育志業體就學獎助金供學生申請,使學生安心就學。
  2. 有導師、慈懿會、諮商中心三軌輔導與關懷制度。
  3. 本系開設國際護理實習課程及國際交流活動,學生可以透過課程及活動與姊妹校或其他國家人士進行國際交流。
  4. 本系職涯輔導完善,安排職涯活動、舉辦就業輔導活動與推薦就業,另協助同學辦理慈濟院培育計畫公費申請,使學生安心就業,歷年平均就業率均達九成以上。

Q: What learning resources are available for students?

  1. Tzu Chi Foundation has global resources and works with the Department to provide students with diverse learning opportunities. Tzu Chi Medical Foundation offers scholarships to help students focus on their learning.
  2. The Department’s academic advisors work with professionals of the Counseling Center and the members of the Tzu-Cheng and Yi-Te Association, which is comprised of senior Tzu Chi volunteers from all walks of life, for students’ well-being.
  3. The Department offers international nursing practice courses and sponsors international exchange activities. Through these classes and activities, students can interact with faculty members and students from other institutions in Taiwan or overseas.
  4. The Department makes career planning and counseling available for students, sponsors various career-related activities, advises students about suitable workplaces, and assists them in applying for the Tzu Chi Medical Foundation scholarship and securing their future employment.
  5. The average employment rate for the Department’s graduates over the years has been higher than 90%.